Friday, August 20, 2010

"Our positive attitude can do so much. It can turn denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity, a meal into a feast, a house into a home and a stranger into a friend."

Sunday, August 8, 2010


A Page in Time's Sparkler Spritz !!

A brand new addition to the store... A Page in Time's version of 'Glimmer Mist', Sparkler Spritz! If you love the 'Glimmer Mist' but hate the price of those shimmery sprays then this spritz is for you! Regularly priced at $5.00 a bottle, it beats 'Gimmer Mist' price of $7.25 by a mile! Also, Sparkler Spritz's are refillable!! That's right!... just bring in the empty bottle and get that color refilled for only $4.00!! And as a incentive to try these out... I am offering Sparkler Spritz's for only $4.50 for the entire month of August!! Don't wait... stop in and get yours before their gone!

As of now I have the following colors in stock:
'Oil of Olay' ~ a creamy pink
'Cotton Candy' ~ a fun pink
'Moulin Rouge' ~ a rusty red
'Putt Putt' ~ a golf green
'Lime Light' ~ a yellow green
'Hulla Blue' ~ a vibrant blue
'Dandelion' ~ a bright yellow
'Hottie Tottie' ~ a caramel brown
'Pantent Leather' ~ a grey/ black
I will be working on more colors on Monday !!!

Also !! ... be watching for my altered storage box class coming in Septemeber... it's the PERFECT box to store 24 of these Sparkler Spritz's!

For those of you not familiar with Glimmer Mist, here's a sample card... the background was made with Glimmer Mist! The shimmer doesn't show up on the computer... but it's gorgeous... this stuff is FABULOUS!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Just wanted to thank all of you who stopped in the store today to celebrate the store's 5th Birthday... what a GREAT turnout!! I was very impressed with all who participated in my tests.. uhhh I mean 'GAMES' hehe... you guys are GREAT SPORTS and I love you! After the store closed today, I had my overworked boys count all those Dew Drops in the tie breaker jar... 2,350!!! Now that's a lot of Dew Drops! I have the winners of the games AND the $100.00 Gift Certifiacte winner ... will send those names out in email tomorrow... Congratulations to the winners! I had SO MUCH FUN with you all today... I thank you for keeping me around!!!

August Challenges


1- Most of my pages are more artfully done using products and techniques that really make the pages stand out... focusing on one - three photos instead of 10 or 15 photos. I never scrapbook in order and I only scrap photos I am in the mood to scrap... making it possible for all my pages to turn out just as I like them. I know that there are a lot of people out there that feel like they are 'behind' in the scrapbooking, they feel that they must put tons of photos on the page in order to 'keep up'. Let me ask you this, when you look at a page with 15 photos on it, scattered randomly around the page, with stickers and such 'decorating' it... when you look at that page... I mean REALLY look at that page... where do your eyes go? Do you even SEE ANY of those photos? ... or is it so busy that your eyes have no place to rest? With that in mind, I challenge you to look at scrapbooking in a different way... instead of a job... as a hobby... as a creative outlet... as a way to display your most precious memories. In order to do this let's start with this :

> Choose a set of photos you'd like to scrap.
> Now go through these photos and think back to the time you took them, how were you feeling, what was happening, what do you want to remember?
> Now choose only 3 photos from that set of photos... this may be hard... but think.. what pictures REALLY tell the story? We both know that you don't need to include ALL of them!
>Now design a page that will use only these 3 photos... tell the story through your art... try to stay away from stickers for this challenge... get your hands dirty... maybe some Distress Inks, Paints, Stamps... put your heart into it. You'd be surprised at what you'll end up with!
I'd LOVE to see what you come up with. I welcome you to take a photo of your completed challenge page and post it to my facebook Group, A Page in Time.

Challenge #2: Alcohol Inks... what can YOU do with them!??!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

AUGUST Classes

Just finishing up the last tiny touches to my August classes and they should be out in email early Sunday morning. Meanwhile, here are the dates for the classes!

2nd- CookBookin'
4th- paper Piecing- SMORES
5th- Month in Review
6th- Kid Krop
9th- Junkit Up
Store Closed August 11th reopens on 18th
18th- Quickie
19th- Take~>1
23rd- MOM
27th- Wine & Cheese Crop
30th- MOM

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We are the key to saving our economy!

Start here ....

What are some of YOUR favorite local businesses??